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Beat the study mess...


Well-structured and clearly laid-out notes are the key to a successful learning experience. Neat handwriting is important to ensure clarity even with limited space like on flash cards. Drawing small sketches and diagrams as well as COLORS can help with structure.


Colors are your secret weapon. You can highlight key words or make important information stand out. Color coding is also a great method that can help you study more successfully. Visualizing information with colors is an important tool to MEMORIZE information.


And now it’s time to revise. The process of handwriting and using your own words helps you to memorize information effectively. Small graphics and mnemonics can also improve the recognition of information. With well-structured, handwritten Flash cards and your own color system, studying will become so much easier.


Beat the study mess with STABILO point 88
Fineliner in 47 colors.


Beat the study mess with STABILO point 88
Fineliner in 47 colors.

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You get a 15% discount on all STABILO point 88 Fineliners in all COOP department stores:
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Büro Schoch AG: Untertor 7, 8400 Winterthur

LOEB AG Bern: Spitalgasse 47-51, 3001 Bern

Papeterie & Kopierzenter Horw: Kantonsstr. 65, 6048 Horw

Bürowelt Schiff AG: Marktgasse 5, 9000 St. Gallen

Papeterie Thöny: Städtle 19, 9490 Vaduz

Schaufelberger AG: Bälliz 26, 3601 Thun

O. Kessler AG: Glarnerstr. 18, 8854 Siebnen

Von Matt AG Sursee: Rathausplatz 2, 6210 Sursee

Papeterie von Matt GmbH: Hauptstrasse, 6280 Hochdorf

Moflar AG: Gerbergasse 5, 9450 Altstätten SG

Markwalder & Co. AG: Kornhausstr. 5, 9001 St. Gallen

O.Kessler AG: Glarnerstrasse 18, 8854 Siebnen

Pfaff Papeterie: Hauptstrasse 81, 4450 Sissach

Krienser Papeterie: Gallusstrasse 12, 6010 Kriens

Kramer-Krieg SA: 10 rue Centrale, 1003 Lausanne

Elia Colombi SA: Via Dogana 3, 6500 Bellinzona

Lepori & Storni SA: Via Campo Marzio 1, 6900 Lugano

Papeterie Zumstein AG:
Rennweg 19, 8001 Zürich
Krongasse 8, 6003 Luzern
Freie Strasse 43, 4001 Basel
Oberdorfstrasse 24, 8001 Zürich
Marktgasse 14, 3011 Bern

Pius Schäfler AG:
Poststrasse 2, 9050 Appenzell
St. Gallerstr. 60a, 9201 Gossau

Burgunder GmbH:
Kalchofenstr. 6, 3415 Hasle bei Burgdorf
Bahnhofplatz 6, 3415 Hasle-Rüegsau

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Create your own flash cards

So much to learn!

Structuring information to improve learning is very important!

STABILO point 88 is the perfect tool to support you with your studies. Creating your own handwritten notes can make a huge difference when it comes to organising your studying and help with the study mess. The fine metal-enclosed tip is perfect for writing precise notes on flash cards when every bit of space matters and it won’t smudge or smear if you’re using a ruler.

To help with memorising key facts and information use colour – the STABILO point 88 has 47 colours to choose from transforming the dullest of notes. Say goodbye to study chaos and hello to study success.

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