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Exprésate con colores
Calidad alemana
Desde hace más de 165 años

For (hobby) artists and creatives

Dive into the watercolor world

Inspiring Tutorials for an easy creation of watercolor effects

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Christmas wreath

Step 1: Sketch the layout with a pencil.

Step 2: Color the elements of the Christmas wreath with the STABILOaquacolor.

Step 3: Blend the colors of the STABILOaquacolor with a brush and some water.

Step 4: Add a few splashes of color to your drawing using the brush.

Step 5: Outline your drawings with the STABILO SENSOR.

Step 6: Letter the words with the STABILO SENSOR.

Artist: @letterzauber
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Step 1: Sketch your drawing with a pencil.

Step 2: Use the STABILO Pen 68 brush to apply color onto a plastic sheet and wet the color with a brush. Repeat this process for all the colors you need.

Step 3: Now you can use the color on your brush to paint your drawing.
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Ice cream

Step 1: Sketch the ice cream with a pencil.

Step 2: Apply various colors of the STABILO Pen 68 onto a plastic sheet and use a brush to transfer them onto the watercolor paper.

Step 3: Color the ice cream using this technique.

Step 4: Draw a decoration around the ice cream with the STABILO SENSOR.

Step 5: Erase the pencil lines.
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Geometric Dachshund

Step 1: Use a pencil to sketch the outline of a geometric dachshund on watercolor paper.

Step 2: Use the STABILO Pen 68 brush in purple, violet, and red to create a watercolor background.

Step 3: Dab small splashes of color over the dachshund with a brush. Use various shades and gently shake the brush over the paper to create small splatters.

Step 4: Outline the dachshund with the black STABILO SENSOR F.

Al ver el vídeo, acepta que sus datos se transferirán a YouTube y que ha leído la Política de privacidad.



Step 1: Sketch the reindeer with a pencil.

Step 2: Color the reindeer with various colors of the STABILOaquacolor and use a brush to create a watercolor effect. 

Step 3: Use the brush and the white STABILO woody 3 in 1 to paint small snowflakes around the reindeer. 

Step 4: Decorate the reindeer with the STABILO SENSOR

Artist: @letterzauber

tried everything?

Click here for more inspiration!