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Exprésate con colores
Calidad alemana
Desde hace más de 165 años

For (hobby) artists and creatives

World of beautiful letters

Inspiring tutorials for handlettering and brushlettering

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Hand- and Brushlettering

Hello Autumn

Step 1: Use a pencil to sketch the lettering on watercolor paper.

Step 2: Apply various colors of the STABILO Pen 68 to a sheet of foil and use a brush to transfer them onto the watercolor paper.

Step 3: Using this technique, paint circles of different sizes around the lettering.

Step 4: Decorate with small leaves and acorns drawn using the STABILO point 88.

Step 5: Letter the words with the STABILO point 88, the STABILO Pen 68, and the STABILO Pen 68 brush.
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Hand- and Brushlettering


Step 1: Letter the words with the STABILO Pen 68.

Step 2: Create color gradients using two colors of the STABILO Pen 68 and blend them with some water and a brush. 

Step 3: Use the STABILO point 88 to create shadows. This will make your lettering really stand out!
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Hand- and Brushlettering

Sand between my toes

Step 1: Start by sketching the words with the STABILO Othello. Then, take the yellow STABILO Pen 68 MAX and trace over the strokes, using the full width of the chisel tip.

Step 2: Next, use a slightly darker color, such as orange. This works perfectly for extending only the right side of the letters, making them appear more three-dimensional.

Step 3: Adding a small gray shadow in the background can also help to highlight the whole piece.

Step 4: Finally, a dotted border with some distance is the perfect method to revisit the theme beyond just the color. The thin side of the chisel tip of the Pen 68 MAX is ideal for the individual sand grains. Make sure to place the dots very compact and close together on the inside, and gradually increase the spacing as you move outward.
Al ver el vídeo, acepta que sus datos se transferirán a YouTube y que ha leído la Política de privacidad.

Hand- and Brushlettering

Happy Mother's Day

Step 1: The STABILO Pen 68 brush is perfect for lettering. Prepare one in a lighter and one in a darker shade of pink. Begin by writing the words "happy mother's day" on a square sheet of watercolor paper. Try to keep it centered, using the lighter color for the first and third words.

Step 2: Add a slight shadow to the word "mother's" in the middle using the lighter pink.

Step 3: Now, draw the outline of a large heart around the text, alternating between the two shades of pink.

Step 4: Using a wet brush, beautifully blend the colors. Extend the edge of the heart outward with this technique. With enough water, the colors will almost blend themselves.

Step 5: On the inside, you can now repeat the heart shape with the dark red shade as a contour. This will make everything stand out even more.

Step 7: A few small hearts scattered diagonally will add the finishing touch to your lettering.

Artist: Marion @marion_kaiser_art

Al ver el vídeo, acepta que sus datos se transferirán a YouTube y que ha leído la Política de privacidad.

Hand- and Brushlettering

Take it to the next level!

Step 1: To start, you will need an A4-sized sheet of paper.Use a pencil to draw some rough guidelines on the paper to help you with orientation. You can also sketch the text you want to write later. 

Step 2: Grab a light blue STABILO Pen 68 MAX and begin filling in the previously sketched guidelines with color. Feel free to use the broad side of the chisel tip fully; the strokes don’t need to be perfect. 

Step 3: Now for the color gradients. Use a color like violet to paint the lower parts of the letters, as shown in the video. Make sure to apply the lines and strokes loosely. 

Step 4: In the next step, you can take a few other complementary colors and use quick strokes to highlight the words. 

Step 5: Now, take advantage of the water-solubility of the pens and use some water to blend at the edges where it makes sense. 

Step 6: In the final step, you can add some rough outlines around the letters with a black STABILO point 88


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